
Rise Up Sri Lanka – Tribute to victims & families of Easter Attacks

“Rise Up Sri Lanka”, a song dedicated to those who said good bye to us on Easter Sunday 21st April 2019, those who survived the brutal attacks, and to their families. In their name, let us all (Sri Lankan communities, races and religions) together rise up in love, unity, respect and harmony and rebuild our beautiful country, Sri Lanka. Composed and sung by Rukshan Perera, Backup Vocals Sohan Weerasinghe and Choro Calibre. Music by Rukshan.

Rise Up Sri Lanka
Innocent lives, on early morn, faced their final call,
A nation grieves, with blood and tears, pasted on the walls,
Is this a dream or reality,
With heavy hearts, let us sing out loud,

Rise up rise up my Sri Lanka,
We shall overcome we are one,
Rise up rise up my Sri Lanka,
Unite the land, and stand together as one, Sri Lanka
(Rise up, rise up/// Sri Lanka)

We’ll walk the land, soothe our souls, heal our bleeding hearts,
We’ll wipe our tears and share the love, we pledge to do our part,
United we are more than ever,
With all our strength, let us sing out loud,

Many a races, multi-religions, holding hands as one,
Freedom, honour, dignity, respect for everyone,
United we are more than ever,
For the world to hear, let us sing out loud,


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