
Evolution of Sri Lankan Music (1940 – 2020) | ESTRELLAS 2020 | Faculty of Medicine | SUSL

This is a mashup item performed by 2nd year medical students at their annual freshers’ welcome – ESTRELLAS 2020 in Faculty of Medicine, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka. The performance has been arranged to showcase how Sri Lankan music was evolved through 7 decades. This event was organized by the Aesthetic Society of Faculty of Medicine, SUSL.

The item was performed by the following students of The Aesthetic Society :

Osura Vithanage (The President)
Devinda Balasooriya (The Vice President)
Gayangee Dissanayake (The Secretary)
Isuru Tissadeniya (The Assistant Secretary)
Dewmi Ama Hapuarachchi
Charith Kalansooriya


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