
Gara Yak Shanthi Karmaya Sri Lankan Traditional Ritual Devil Dance in Low Land ගරා යක් ශාන්තිකර්මය 1

Gara Yaka is son of Dantasiva Raj a of Dantapur a of Dam badi va, and his mother is Nawaratnawali. Giri devi is his sister, and at her birth the astrologers predicted her union with Dala Kumara, and so she was reared in a giri ge or rock house. A woman described her beauty to the prince, who secretly determined to marry her. He then went out as if to prough near a forest, and pretended to be seized with a dangerous illness. He then sent to beg to see his sister, who was allowed by her parents to go. He seduced her, and from shame, that very day, she hung herself on an aesala tree. Saekra rendering her body invisible, the prince wandered through the four continents, five hundred lesser tracts, the Himala, the Seven Lakes, the Naga world, the Asura world, the shore of the Seven Oceans, the great rock of Mahameru, and everywhere throughout the world. At last he went to the Saekra world, and there challenged Senasura or Saturn to dice. Senasura lost seven times. The prince then demanded his sister-wife of Saekra, who promised to restore her to him, at the aehala tree, and sent Senasura with amrita or nectar to be given to her. He however, after giving her that, and curing her, threw poison onto the prince, who assumed thereby the guise of a Rakusu, or Rakshasa. He had a blue complexio n hi forehead was enormously wide, and his head like a water-pot. He had huge eyes, and a prominent nose like a black mountain. His belly was enormous, and his two feet were short, like stumps of plantain trees. He and Giri devi then received offerings, and after a time came to Ceylon also

Producer -Mr.Isuru Sanjaya
Director of Photography / Edit – Geeth Lanka Kodagoda
Special Effects & Art Director – Geeth Lanka Kodagoda
Production Manager – Geeth Lanka Kodagoda
Behind the Scenes – Mrs.Isuru Sanjaya
Music Composition-Mr.Indika Dinesh
Presented by-Collection of Geeth Lanka Kodagoda & Raigama Artists


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